Mjølnir Viking pendant

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Antall: 1

299 NOK

Copy of the Skåne Thors hammer, that belonged to a collection owned by the baron Claes Kurck. Unreliable sources says that the hammer was found in Kabbarp near Staffanstorp in Skåne, Sweden. The loop has a bird of prey face with pronounced beak, slightly protruding eyes and pronounced eyebrows. The forehead is decorated in filigree which transitions into two lying S-shaped arcs. The sides are covered by small, open circles which continue down over the shaft and hammerhead. The surface of the hammerhead and shaft have swirl decoration in combination with more sparse filigree ornamentation.

Material: 304 Stainless Steel

Color: Antique Silver

Size: 36x32.5x7mm

Chain: Iron Cable Unwelded, Flat Oval, Cadmium Free & Lead Free, 

Color: Platinum

Size: 7x4x1mm